Kickin’ it for Kelly Fundraiser WOD

As some of you know, coach Steve’s 26 year old sister Kelly has recently been diagnosed with AML, an aggressive type of Leukemia and she is going through chemo as we speak. Steve is family, therefore so is Kelly, and it is in order for us to come together and show the power of our community!

Please join us at our Venice Location for a fun partner WOD and raise funds to help with at least one aspect of Kelly’s battle she is going through right now. EVERYONE IS INVITED! Bring your friends, come anytime, no crossfit experience necessary and let’s throw down!

***There will be cool prizes for top three teams!***

EVERYONE PLEASE REGISTER HERE. Cost is $25 and it will go towards Kelly’s medical expenses.

If you are able and wish to contribute more, please visit Kelly’s Youcaring donation page >>>here<<<


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