Deadlift Wednesdays!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Visit Dimitri at 8pm at Venice for Gymnastics!


Row 500m/Run 400m
15 Hip Extensions
15 Wall Extensions

Warm Up

5 Inch Worms
:30 Plank
5 Inch Worms
:60 Plank
5 Inch Worms
1:30 Plank

Cool Down

10 Jefferson Curls
Cat Stretch on Bench/Box, 2 minutes



20 minutes or 3-4 sets of:

Deadlift x 3-5 reps

Wall Climbs x 3-5 reps

Side Plank Leg Raises x 10-15 reps each side

Notes:  Spend some time warming up the deadlifts first.  These are not touch and go.  More experienced athletes should be working towards a 3RM over the course of their sets.  Newer athletes should prioritize form over load.  If you lack proper hamstring/hip hinging abilities, this should be your number one priority in daily warmups, rest day activites and cool downs.  Scale the range of motion on the Wall Climbs to allow for 3-5 continuous reps with no break.


Two sets for max reps of:

4 Minutes of Rowing (for cals)

3 Minutes of Ring Pushups with pause at the top

2 Minutes of Kettlebell Swings

Rest 4 minutes

Notes:  Prescribed is rings level with the feet and 70/55 full KBS.  Scale the pushups to allow for big sets with no break in the midline as needed.  Turnout the rings at the top and feel your elbows lock out for each rep.  Scale the KBS to russian style for newer athletes, those with overhead issues or if you are working with a heavier weight than normal.



Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets) of:  Clean x 1 rep

*Sets 1-3 – 70-75%

*Sets 4-6 – 75-80%

*Sets 7-8 – 80-85%

*Sets 9-10 – 85-90%

Notes:  These are full squat cleans.  Do the math in advance.  Perform from the hang if needed to reinforce good hip extension and speed under the bar.


Two sets for max reps of:

4 Minutes of Rowing (for cals)

3 Minutes of Ring Dips with 1 second pause at the top

2 Minutes of Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)

Rest 4 minutes

Notes:  Turnout the rings at the top and feel your elbows lock out for each rep. 

Here is the best woman in the world doing something absurd – Amanda with the guy’s weight.

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