
Wednesday,  October 15, 2014

Visit Dimitri at 8pm at Venice for Gymnastics!


Straddle Stretch, (middle/left/right)
Rack Stretch, 1 minute each
Keg Drill, 1 minute

Warm Up

Plank, 60 seconds
– then –
2 Rounds:
10 Pike Sit Ups
5 Inch Worms
10 Push Ups
10 Lat Activations

Cool Down

Pike Stretch, 2 minutes
Roll in a ball on your back, 1 minute
Active Hang, 1 minute



15 minutes or three sets of:

Russian Kettlebell Swings x 10-15 reps, heavy as possible

Xiaopeng Forward x 5 reps each side

Strict Toes to Bar x 8-10 reps

Notes:  Use a spotter for the T2B to work on the biggest range of motion possible, focus on keeping the torso upright or use a back support if possible, control up and down.


15 min Amrap:

Row 250 meters

10 Handstand Pushups

10 Deadlifts

Notes:  Prescribed is 225/155 for the deadlifts. Kipping is allowed for the HSPU.  If you cannot perform these with full ROM, perform Lseated DB press



Take 20 minutes to build up the following complex:  Power Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk

Notes:  Start around 50% and take 8-10 sets to build up to the heaviest possible weight.  Rest should be 1-2 minutes between sets.



21-15-9 reps for time:

Deadlifts (225/155)

Handstand Pushups

-15 min cap-

Notes:  Scale the weight as needed to ensure proper form and intensity.  Kipping is allowed for the HSPU.  Keep good standards:  feet on the wall at the top of each rep, palms within 3’x2′ area.

Let’s put all that handstand push up work we have been doing recently to good use on “Diane”. Notice in the video from 2012, Bailey and Froning are doing strict handstand push ups with speed and capacity. So lock out every rep, be safe on the deadlifts, and scale the workout to make for a sprint stimulus similar to the video.

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