Ashley Short
Saturday, September 13
Beach WOD at 11:30 am! (I promise!)
Monster walks 2×20″
Bird Dogs with band 2×10
Fire Hydrants 2×15
Keg Drill 2-3 min
Warm up:
Run 600m
2 rounds:
12 push ups
12 sit ups
12 Goblet squats (light/mod KB)
12 Sumo DLHP
12 KBS
Three sets:
Legless Rope Climbs x 60 seconds
Left Leg Pistols x 30 seconds
Right Leg Pistols x 30 seconds
Notes: Perform regular legless climbs as high as you can, control the way up and down. Scale to rope lower/pulls with your feet on the ground if needed. For the pistols, prioritize keeping the heel down. The squat rack band setup works for most people.
Partner Conditioning
100 Wall Balls
400 meter Medball Run
100 Over your partner Burpees
400 meter Medball Run
100 Medball Situps
400 meter Medball Run
-30 min cap-
Notes: Ideally setup with someone that will use the same medball weight as you. Only one medball per team on the run. Split up the wall balls and burpees however you would like, but the situps will be passed from partner to partner alternating. For the Burpees you must jump over your partner.
Advanced Strength
Three sets with 30 seconds rest between movements:
L-Seated Legless Rope Climbs x 60 seconds
30 seconds of Left Leg Weighted Pistols (24/16 kg)
30 seconds of Right Leg Weighted Pistols (24/16 kg)
Notes: If possible, perform the Lsit variation of the rope climb up and down, as high as possible. Scale this to attempting to hold a hollow position up and down. Scale the weight as needed for the pistols and prioritize full range of motion over weight.
Run 800 Meters
20 Front Squats (225/155 lbs)
Run 800 Meters
20 Deadlifts (315/205 lbs)
Run 800 Meters
-24 min cap-
Notes: Use one barbell for both movements and load your own weights. The Front squats are meant to be from the floor, but as a scale you may perform them from the rack if space allows. I want you to go as heavy as possible. For busier classes use the metal plates for the deadlifts if needed.
Cool down:
ME Hanging Hollow Hold
ME L-sit
ME Hollow Hold on floor
Cobra Stretch 3×20″
Couch stretch 60-90″
I am very excited that I got a chance to tell you about another PCF success story, Ashley Short. For those of you who don’t know Ashley, you need to meet her, because she is awesome. One of the nicest people you will ever meet, always kind and sincere, and always guaranteed to bust her butt in the gym. Ashely epitomizes what crossfit is and what it should be. She works her ass off in the gym, but also enjoys life to the fullest. When its time to work, she gives it 100%, when its time to play, she also gives it 110%. Below is Ashely’s story, I was going to edit it into a narrative but there really is no better person to tell her story than Ashley herself.
“Hi! This was a two month progression from May 5 to July 4 of this year 2014. I guess I let myself go a little bit, but I guess it just shows that this is a process and a journey of learning your body and also that we are human and things/life happens. With that being said, I am determined to continue to treat my body well from now on. Anyway, I think I had gotten a bit excited after getting engaged and I let loose and “celebrated” a little too much. But I decided in May to make a commitment to myself, treat myself right and change some things. I continued my normal CrossFit routine, attending group class about 4-5x a week. In addition to regular group fitness class, I picked it up a notch by supplementing extra
and focused on more intensity in my workouts as well as doing additional cardio routines a few days a week. The results really started to manifest when I really zero’d in on my diet.
Being a vegetarian is tough as it can lead to eating a lot of processed foods or other foods that our bodies may not process as well as eating real food. So I focused on primarily eating eggs and supplemented with whey protein (yea SFH!😀) And of course I made sure to eat my veggies. The hardest part was making sure I got enough protein and figuring out what healthy carbs to eat to improve my energy levels. The most obvious decision was of course not snacking on crap. So I put in the time and had to plan ahead, pack my own healthy lunch/snacks and focus on nourishing my body versus eating just to eat. It’s been a process and a journey and I still fall short(no pun intended!), I’m definitely not perfect.. I tend to over indulge in social functions and I like to drink adult beverages occasionally, so I’m definitely still learning my limits and have a lot more to learn. But I have to say, having such great support at the gym and the constant positive feedback has really kept me encouraged and motivated to continue along this path of health and wellness.
Thanks for this opportunity to share my story. I love the PCF family and exposing myself to you guys like this will definitely keep me accountable and I hope it will inspire others… so thank you!
Yours in health, fun and being true and real,
Ashley Short
PS. Overall I had lost 10 pounds of fat and gained 5 pounds of muscle in those 2 months..