The show must go on!

Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, Advanced, Holiday Homework (and Holiday Homework from Thanksgiving week too)

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Monday, December 23, 2013


Fire Hydrants, 15 each direction each leg
Groiners, 1 minute each side
Supported Ankle Stretch, 15 reps each
Super Rack Stretch, 1 minute each side

Partner Warmup

Jog 400 meters
Junkyard Dog with 5 reps each – DEMO
10 Partner Burpees
10 Partner Wall Balls

Classic Strength

12min EMOM
Even: 5 Front squats, heavy as possible
Odd: 5 Strict Pullups, heavy as possible

Notes: Warmup and start at a heavy weight for the Front Squats, but still feel free to change weight as you go. Feel free to scale the strict pullup reps down if 5 is too many and be sure to control the way up and down. If you cannot do any strict pullups, perform 5 challenging ring rows.

Advanced Strength

5X2/4 FS/BS @ 100% of max FS (from beginning of the cycle) – rest 3 min

Notes: If you can’t complete the work, drop the weight and get the work done. Work in sets of 5-10 strict pullups between squats.


4 rounds for total time of:
25 Wall Balls 20/14#
?10 Power Snatches 115/75#
Rest 1:00 between rounds.

Notes: Don’t game this at all. Attempt to perform both of these movements unbroken in at least your first two rounds. For the Power Snatches, you should focus on efficiency in linking the movements together. Practice this beforehand, think the same way up same way down, keeping your back tight and the bar in a straight path.

Cool Down

2×10 PVC Dislocates
Foam Roll, 5 min

Kareem and Hayley at the Christmas 10k!

If you are out of town for the Holidays, here are a few words of advice to make your return to regular training less painful:

1.  Maintain your Nutrition – I can’t stress this enough.  When people take time off of their regular training, they often compound the issue by not eating well either.  You can greatly minimize the effects of not training if you eat and sleep well!  When I hear someone come back from something like a week off and say how much weaker they feel or how out of shape they are, I know they were eating like shit.  Your body is an amazing machine and it will not deteriorate that quickly unless you treated it poorly.  Of course you can still enjoy your traditional Holiday meals, but this doesn’t mean to go off the rails for a week straight!  Be smart and think about the long term.

2.  Mobilize – Take some time each day to mobilize your joints, stretch and get the blood flowing in your body.  We posted a couple ideas in the Holiday Homework if you don’t know what to do.  You can also go back through the blog for warmup and mobility ideas.

3.  Visit a local CrossFit – At this point there is CrossFit almost anywhere you go in the world, so no excuses!  Most gyms will charge you a nominal fee, the price of a shirt or maybe not at all.  Every CF gym is independently owned and operated, so it is always interesting to see how other owners/coaches approach the group class.  Be sure to wear your PCF shirt and represent with pride!

4.  Practice Handstands – This is by far my most common movement I perform while away from the gym.  Not only is it fun to perform, entertaining for others to watch, but it is also a great exercise!

5.  Bring your jumprope – Light and compact.  Practice your double unders or perform simple workouts where ever you are.  If you don’t own a jumprope, get one!

6.  Find your local track – Basic sprint training is the shit!  Warmup and do some 100/200/400/800 meter intervals.  There are a ton of workouts online you can search or just make something up.

7.  Be creative – Figuring out how to perform a particular workout (like our 12 days of Christmas in the Holiday Homework) adds an additional amount of satisfaction to your training.  Using 5 gallon water jugs for weight, performing pullups underneath your attic stairs, squatting a family member for strength training (I’m serious!).  Have fun with it and get your friends and family involved.

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