Battle Royale Eve
Friday, October 26, 2013
3 Rounds of:
-200 m Run
-10 Wall Balls
Groiners w/band, 1 min each leg
Classic Strength:
High Bar Back Squat:
5×5 – rest as needed
Notes: Last week we used the same weight for all five sets (sets across). We are using the same protocol this week but adding incremental weight for all sets. This can be as little as five pounds but should not be so much that the athlete can not maintain proper form and depth on every set and rep.
Advanced Strength:
High Bar Back Squat:
1×5 @ 60%
1×5 @ 70%
2×5 @ 75%
*rest exactly 2 minutes
“OC Throwdown Qualifier WOD 2”
8 minute AMRAP:
20 overhead squats (95/65)
20 pull-ups
20 overhead squats (135/95)
20 chest-to-bar pull-ups
20 overhead squats (165/105)
20 muscle-ups
Max overhead squats (185/115)
Notes: Only one barbell may be used and one set of collars.
Cool Down:
15 External Rotation w/theraband
15 Shoulder Circles w/theraband
10 Wall Extensions
(to be read in 1800’s English accent)
‘Twas the night before Battle Royale, when all through the box,
Not an athlete was stirring, not even a fox.
The wrist straps were hung by the squat rack with care,
In hopes that St. Greg Glassman soon would be there;
The members were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of kettle bells danced in their heads,
And Miso in her ‘kerchief, and Diso in his cap,
Had just settled in for an Anniversary nap 😉
The next day would be a huge, gnarly battle,
Don’t let your nerves give your bones such a rattle.
We will see tomorrow at Marina del Rey,
I heard losers host Happy Hour and they will have to pay!
So sleep tight and feed your body right.
Happy Battle Royale eve to all, and to all a good night.