Friday, October 4, 2013
We want to encourage you to attend the evening classes at MDR if possible. We will be creating a “Friday Night Lights” environment with judges, heats and a whole bunch of excitement! The strength portion is designed more as a warmup. If you are doing the squat cycle, that is up to you if you want to perform, but we will be giving priority to setting up the class for testing. Be sure to read the notes below about how you should approach the workout. Good luck and be sure to log your score in your online profile
400 meter Run
15 Air Squats
10 Full Squat to Broad Jumps
Groiners, 1 min each leg
Classic Strength:
10 minutes to work up to a moderately heavy set of 3 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Push Press
Notes: This is primarily a warmup for the workout. Focus on loading the Hamstrings and speed under the bar!
Advanced Strength:
HBBS: 2X5@65%, 3X5@75% – rest exactly 90 seconds.
Front Squat: 4X5@65% – rest 60 sec
21-15-9 of:
Deadlifts 225/155#
Handstand Pushups
-15 min time cap-
Notes: If you can perform the weight safely, we want you to give it a try, even if this means that you have to take extended breaks. The same goes for the HSPU’s. We want you to know exactly where you are with these weights and movements because we will retest you again!
Be sure to log your score! We will have judges at Friday Night Lights and when possible throughout all classes in the daytime. If you do not make the time cap, your score is 15:00 plus 1 second for every rep that you did not complete.
Scaling recommendations: Again, if you can perform the deadlift weight safely, then go for it! If not, scale it down to something you are comfortable with. The coaches will be there to assist and recommend weight changes as needed. For the HSPU, you may perform partial range of motion HSPU and work on your kipping or a version of regular pushups with full ROM. No matter what variation you use, be sure to prioritize a good lock out at the top of each rep.
Cool Down:
PVC Dislocates
External Rotation w/theraband (15 reps)
Foam Roll Lower Back
Tonight at MDR we will be hosting Friday Night Lights. The first Friday of every month we will perform a classic CrossFit WOD with an atmosphere that rivals the Friday’s during the Open WOD’s every spring. Last month we programmed “Fran” and had great success. Almost everyone I spoke with said they PR’d, yah!
This month will be “Diane”. A couplet of movements like “Fran” but a different kind of stimulus. The weight for the deadlifts and the gymnastics movement of the handstand push-ups aren’t as manageable as you may think. Even some of the best athletes at PCF will not be doing this unbroken. The deadlifts are going to require some mental toughness, while the HSPU will prove to fatigue you faster than you may think. As many of you know, HSPU are one of the more challenging movements we perform in CrossFit on a regular basis. My advice for “Diane” is pretty simple.
Deadlifts: Try to do as many as you can in a row; on the verge of unbroken. For many of us, the weight may be heavy and you may move slow. If you can move consistently with this weight you should try and do as many as you can in a row. The first one is always the hardest, try and to get in a rhythm and bang out as many as you can.
Handstand Push-ups: Break these up into sets you know you can sustain over each round/workout. Theres nothing worse than performing single reps with your HSPU. They can be frustrating so have a game plan before you start this workout and stick to it. In mine experience, this has worked best for me.
Good luck and have fun! It should be another great night!!