5th time’s a charm…..
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Track Night at Santa Monica High at 7pm!
10 Dislocates
10 Overhead squats, hold bottom of 10th rep 30 seconds
10 Fire hydrants (each leg, each direction)
10 Dislocates
10 Overhead squats, hold bottom of 10th rep 30 seconds
5×5 High Bar Back Squat- rest 2 minutes
Notes: LOG YOUR SCORE IN YOUR PROFILE! Focus on using as little hip drive as possible to maintain an upright torso. Try and increase load each set.
Advanced Strength:
1) HBBS: 1X6@70%, 1X6@80%, 1X3@90%, 1X2@95% – rest 2 minutes (or more if necessary).
2) Front squat: 1X5 @ 70%, 1X4@80%, 1X3@85%, 1X3@90% – rest 2 minutes (or more if necessary).
5 rounds for total reps of:
1 min. ME Weighted Step-ups 95/65# (alternating) on 20?
30 seconds Rest
1 min. ME T2B
30 seconds Rest
Notes: May sub barbell with kettlebells or dumbbells for the step up and ab mat sit ups for toes to bar.
Cool Down:
10 Jefferson curls
Pigeon stretch
Never give up.
Hope everyone had a great holiday! Don’t forget about Friday Night Lights this week! We want to encourage you to attend the evening classes at MDR if possible and get your FRAN on! We will be creating a “Friday Night Lights” environment with judges, heats and a whole bunch of excitement!