Ka-Ka-Ka-Kettle Bell Swings

Friday, August 2, 2013


-Groiners (30 seconds each leg)
Trap Smash
-Tricep Smash
Wrist Mobility
-20 T-Push Ups (10 each side) 

Kettlebell Strength:

Every 90 seconds for 6 minutes

-30 second Rack Hold + 7 Thrusters

 Notes:  This may be performed with a partner if needed.


For time:

40-30-20 reps

-KB Swing (1.5/5)
-Wall Balls (20/14)

Notes:  These loads are not meant to be heavy, but moderate. 

Cool Down:

-3×30 second Hollow Hold
-Couch Stretch
-Foam Roll Quads/Lower Back

This is what you’ve all been waiting for…CrossFit Carly.  Take notes.

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