We’re Famous!

Friday, July 5th 2013


2 Rounds of:

10 Reverse Snow Angels
10 Prone Dislocates
10 T-Push ups (5 each side)
20 Downward Dog Ankle Stretch (10 each leg)

Smolov Squat Cycle: 

High Bar Back Squat 8X4 @ 80% rest at least 2 minutes 

Notes:  This will be time intensive.  We have provided an advanced Conditioning option below that is a bit shorter and more conducive to this programming.


Classic Strength: 

4 Rounds:
5 Split Press – heaviest possible (absolutely no heaving)
Rest 60 seconds
5 Pendlay Row – heaviest possible
Rest 60 seconds

Notes:  You should be changing weights between rounds, focusing on form, but it is ok to fail.

Classic Conditioning: 

12 min amrap of:
6 KB snatches, alternating @24/16kg
8 KB front squats
10 KB swings
Run 200 meters

Notes:  This is performed with a single KB.

Advanced Conditioning: 

5 minute KB Snatch Test @ 24/16kg for total reps. 

Notes: The goal of this test is to perform Snatches for the entire 5:00 UNBROKEN. You may switch hands at any time, but the final rep count should be evenly split between both arms. These are Russian style Snatches, where the KB returns to the hang position (between the legs) between each rep.


3 Rounds of:

30 Hollow Rocks
60 second plank hold

Rockin’ Hollows.

Recently, I received a group text from one of our former 5:30am Venice athletes, Chris De Los Santos.

 He continues to keep tabs on everything going on in our PCF community and has seen many of you make new PR’s across the board.  He extends his congratulations from San Antonio.  

He also mentioned that his current box recently programmed in the CrossFit Open workout 13.2.  He made significant gains from the last time he completed it earlier this past year, finishing 26 reps better!!

 Congrats to him for his hard work.

When he first entered his new box in Texas, no one knew him, but everyone knew his shirt.   “Everyone was wowed when they saw my PCF shirt because they heard we made it to the games.  I told them we’re all “Fire breathing Dragons!”  I tend to believe what he says, I mean he is a Colonel.  Its pretty cool to hear that everyone knows who Paradiso CrossFit is.  

Keep working hard, the word’s getting out that we’re bad asses. 

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