Disaster Averted

It wasn’t you!  The website was down for over 12 hours!  Sorry for any inconveniences and stress this may have caused:)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


2 Rounds:
Bird Dogs, 15 each
Stiff Legged Windmil, 5 each w/ Dumbbells
10 Perfect Push Ups
5 Good Mornings w/ Bar
5 Deadlifts w/ Bar

Classic Strength:

Deadlift 5 x 5

Notes:  Focus on neutral spine starting position, straing bar path, and loading/engaging the hamstrings during the pull.  

Advanced Strength:

Banded Deadlift 7 x 3

Notes:  55 to 60% bar weight, blue or green band.  These are not meant to be heavy, but fast off the ground!  These are not touch and go reps.



4 Rounds each
Row 500 meters
12 Handstand Push ups or Push ups
12 Pull ups
-25 min cap-

Notes:  One partner starts when the other finishes their pushups.

Cool Down

Straddle Stretch, 1 minute
German Hang, 1 minute
Pigeon, 1 min. each side

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