So much to say

 Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, Venice Barbell Club


Monday, April 22, 2013


Prone Dislocates, 15 reps, slow and controlled
Downward Dog Calf Stretch, 2×10 reps each legMonster Walks, 20 steps each leg each direction (left/right/forward/back)
Shoulder Circles with Theraband, 30 reps each direction (10 reps each of sm/m/lg circles)

Notes:  As we introduce and learn these mobility/prehab movements, we will continue to perform them as a group.  This takes some time, so we will be starting right at the top of the hour and it will serve as both the mobility and group warmup.

Classic Strength:

7×3 Hang snatches – 60 sec rest

Notes: If you cannot squat snatch, perform a power snatch and then an overhead squat as deep as you can maintaining quality position.

Advanced Strength:

7×1 – 3 Position Snatch – 60 sec rest

Notes: This should be performed at a moderate weight. Prioritize form and use as a warmup for the Conditioning

Classic Conditioning

4 Rounds for time:
10 Power Snatches (75/55)
10 Pull-ups
10 Dips
-15 minute cap-

Notes:  If needed, scale the reps on the Pullups and Dips to maintain high intensity and quality ROM.

Advanced Conditioning

9-7-5 reps for time of:
Squat Snatch (135/95)
-15 minute cap-

Cool Down:

Reverse Snow Angels, 20 consecutive reps
Foam Roll Legs


The top 3 Finishers of the EIE Challenge!  Cash and fish oil in hand!

1st place, Ashley Short (middle)
2nd place, Jeannenne Sumich (right)
3rd place, Andrew Hurley (left)

Charlie Mason was awarded the Spirit of the EIE Challenge trophy.

Congratulations again to everyone that participated!  Check out the stats from the Top 20 finalists:

Total Bodyweight Change – 183.4lbs
Average Bodyweight Change – 9.17lbs per person

Highlights:  Andrew Hurley actually gained 4 pounds (he needed it:)

Total Pullup Improvements – 79 reps
Average Pullup Improvements – 3.95 per person

Highlights:  Including 3 people that got their first strict pullup:  Liz Hudson, Monica Grue and Leah Grace.

Total Pushup Improvements – 191
Average Pushup Improvement – 9.55 per person

Highlights:  Including Jeanenne that got her first pushup and Raquel Braun that went from 1 rep to 20 reps!

Total Mile Time Improvements – 13:09
Average Mile Time Improvement – 39 seconds per person

Highlights:  Jeannenne and Phillip Isles both improved by almost 20%!

Total Snatch Improvements – 248lbs
Average Snatch Improvement – 12.4lbs per person

Highlights:  Jeannenne, Ashley Short, Phillip Isles and Jamie Lewisohn all improved by over 30%!

Total Clean and Jerk Improvements – 268lbs
Average Clean and Jerk Improvement – 13.4lbs per person

Highlights:  Andrew Hurley added 30lbs and Dustin Colson added 25lbs to their lifts!


Big thanks to Smidty for putting this video compilation of Friday Night Lights and the CrossFit Games Open experience together.  Enjoy!


I promised this week would be the beginning of some gymnastics homework and I haven’t forgotten.  I just don’t want it to be lost in with all the excitement from above.  On that note, I can’t believe that I forgot to take the 100 person Handstand picture at the party too!  Oh well, that is something to strive for at our next party.  I will leave you with a quick comment from Coach Chris Sommers that we will be basing our training off of:

Way back in 2004 when I wrote my very first GST (Gymnastic Strength Training) article, I greatly over-estimated the strength levels of the average fitness enthusiast while at the same time greatly under-estimating the inherent difficulties of beginning GST for the non-gymnast.  The main difficulty arose from the fact that the majority of the initial preparation that I used with my youngest athletes was so basic and undemanding for actual gymnasts that I literally failed to even qualify it as “training.”

Now however, after many years of working with thousands of non-gymnast GST enthusiasts from around the world, I have learned that these first or ‘preparatory’ steps are essential for adult fitness enthusiasts to successfully progress thru and master the more demanding exercise ‘specific’ steps that come later….

…The most prevelant issue that I have discovered in teaching GST to the adult fitness population these last 6 years has been an extreme deficit of physical mobility (with an utter lack of explosiveness coming in a close secon); especially in those indiviudals who work requires a lot of time spent at a desk.  In some cases this lack of mobility has been so extreme that it bordered on the pathological.

Get ready to go to the next level!

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