Wednesday 3/20/2013
EIE Challenge Tip of the Day 23: If your goals are extreme, i.e rapidly losing weight or gaining a bunch of muscle, then your actions must be extreme. Once goals are reached, then things can level out a bit towards maintenance. This is the idea of the Challenge for some people so keep in mind that extreme results require more “strict” action.
Overhead Band Distraction
Lat Activations/Active Hang
Hip Mobility of choice (for pistols)
Gymnastics Warm-up:
3 rounds or 15 minutes for Quality:
5 False grip Pull ups on Rings or 5 Muscle up Ring Row (maintain false grip throughout)
20 Hollow Rocks
10 Pistols (alternating legs)
Classic Conditioning:
1 minute ME Burpee Pull-ups
*Rest 1 minute.
3 rounds for time of:
5 Wall Walks
35 Squats
5 Push Press(135/95)
*Rest 1 minute.
1 minute ME Burpee Pull-ups
Notes: If you cannot perform the Wall Walks, substitute 15 Pushups.
Advanced Conditioning:
1 minute ME Muscle-Ups
*Rest 1 minute.
3 rounds for time of:
5 Wall Walks
75 Double-Unders
5 Push Jerks 185/125#
*Rest 1 minute.
1 minute ME Muscle-Ups
Cool Down
Calf Stretch
Active Hang
Foam Roll
So as you guys know, the Venice Barbell Club has been up and running for bit and while the Open has rightfully taken the gym’s attention, I am looking forward to this part of the Games season ending so that more of you can become VBC regulars AND to get some of you to compete in your first weightlifting meet. Derrick (our world class weekend weightlifting coach) and I have been talking about the meets we will hit up after the Open, with the first one coming up on the 6th of April. This is the last weekend of the Open but this meet will be held at CrossFit Goodland in Santa Barbara by my buddies Nick and Matt. It will be a very low key event with a keg present. I have talked with a number of you who are interested but I want anyone who wants to give it a shot to get in touch with me. The fee is $25, standard for a meet, and it is held in one of the most beautiful places in the world (I lived in SB for 6 year). You can make a great weekend out of it! There is another meet on April 19th and 20th in Carlsbad that Derrick and I will be lifting at. If any of this sounds interesting to any of you then again, please feel free to contact me and I will tell you how to sign up and we can start representing Venice Barbell Club properly. From now on, I will try to update the events tab with upcoming meets I plan on attending.
This brings to me another event associated with VBC. I have not mentioned it in awhile but I want to remind everyone that we are having hosting Jon and Jessica North for a weightlifting seminar at our Venice location on Sunday, June 9th. I attended one of these seminars and Jon is awesome as a person and a coach and is one of the top weightlifters in the country. Those of you interested in attending need to go!schedule and find the link for Paradiso CrossFit. The price is $200 and is well worth it.
As for the Open, I am sure whatever is released today for 13.3 will be a doozy but as a gym we will be ready. Everyone has been rising to the occasion each Friday and displaying the hard work they have put into their training. We will keep it up for three more weeks as each athlete continues to push their limits. At this point in the Open and our own challenge I can see things coming together for a lot of members and people are starting to look and move like high level athletes. Keep pushing!