Santa Monica Fitness Center: 3 Reasons to Consider Paradiso CrossFit

Santa Monica Fitness Center

It’s no secret that CrossFit’s popularity has soared in recent years. According to a study conducted by CNBC, there are now more CrossFit gyms in the world than Starbucks locations in the United States. And while there may be plenty of boxes to choose from throughout the Los Angeles area, not every CrossFit location is built the same.

If you’re looking for a Santa Monica area fitness center, here are three reasons why you should choose Paradiso CrossFit.

1. Our Sense of Community and Guiding Philosophy

At Paradiso, we understand that filling a gym with the right equipment isn’t enough. Not by a long shot. That’s why we go to great lengths to foster a strong of community amongst our coaches, staff, and members.

When you join us, this sense of community will be palpable right away. CrossFit is, by its nature, a difficult fitness regimen—one that requires athletes to be fully committed at all times. In our gym, everyone is encouraged to support each other, and do so while abiding by our Everything is Everything philosophy.

What do we mean when we say Everything is Everything? We mean that it’s important to understand that our actions in and out the gym impact your overall health and fitness level. It means sleep, proper nutrition, stress management, and recovery are all vital pieces to the process.

Once you embed yourself in our Santa Monica fitness center community, you and your fellow members will hold each other accountable. Those who do so go on to live healthier lives.

2. Our Focus on Individuals

If you’re looking for a Santa Monica fitness center, you probably also want a gym that caters to your needs as an athlete. Once someone becomes a member at our box, they receive a free, one-on-one session with one of our expert coaches, who puts together a training regimen that makes sense for the newcomer’s ability and goals.

We also offer everyone nutritional support, meal supplement services, physical therapy, myofascial stretching, competition training, corporate training, and boot camps through our PCF University program.

3. Our Pricing Options are Flexible

We understand when new members want to see what we’re all about before making long-term commitments to the box. If you’d like to work out with us prior to making any big decisions, feel free to drop in on any of our classes for a flat rate of $25. That includes CrossFit classes as well as specialty courses in swimming and track. All non-members can take advantage of this drop-in option.

Once you’re ready to become a member, there’s a variety of ways you can pay.

If you’d like to prepay for your membership, you can do so on a weekly or monthly basis. Or, if you’d rather pay as you go, you can do that, too.

If you’re on the lookout for a Santa Monica fitness center, consider stopping by our locations in Venice, Venice Beach or Culver City.

To view our various pricing options, click here or call us at (310) 450-6870.

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