Culver City Best Gyms: Why Paradiso CrossFit is Culver City’s Best Gym


With more than 13,000 locations in 120 countries, there is no shortage of places to do CrossFit in 2018. But not every box is the same. In fact, where you choose to work out—whether you’re a beginner or an athlete with professional aspirations—will help determine how much you ultimately succeed.

At Paradiso, we have gone above and beyond to separate ourselves from the pack—and our results speak for themselves.

We have quickly grown into one of Southern California’s most popular CrossFit options with more than 500 dedicated members. These athletes, who come from all sorts of backgrounds, have transformed their lives inside our facilities and keep coming back for more. That’s why LA Weekly named us Los Angeles’ “Best Gym” in 2016.

If you live and/or work west of LA, here’s why Paradiso Crossfit is one of Culver City’s best gyms.

Your Fitness Group Will be Structured for You

If you’re walking into a CrossFit box for the first time, we’re not going to put you in a group of veterans, and visa versa. Instead, we’re going to ensure you are surrounded by the right people. A big reason why our Culver City location is one of the best gyms around is because of how well our classes are structured for each student.

When constructing a class, we think about the sense of community we’re creating. We want you and your fellow athletes to motivate each other constantly and offer support through all the highs and lows. There will be times when you are exhausted and need an extra push to keep going. And there will be times when you want to celebrate massive achievements. Your fellow classmates will be there through it all.

Additionally, your group members will help you abide by our “Everything is Everything” philosophy. We expect our athletes to commit to their fitness outside of the box by focusing on the importance of recovery, stress management, mobility, sleep, and nutrition. And we’ve found that members are more likely to embrace this philosophy when they work together with the friends they make at the gym.

We Offer Flexible Membership Options

Different athletes have different goals and different schedules, so why should everyone pay the same for gym memberships? When you sign up at Paradiso CrossFit, you can take advantage of our flexible payment options. If you want to prepay for your access, you can do that. If you want to pay as you go, that’s no problem, either. And if you want to pay over multi-month periods, or each month, or each week, you’ll have those choices.

Additionally, drop-ins are welcome to join our classes, allowing you to check out our boxes before signing up as a member. For those testing the waters, this is a big part of what makes Culver City among the best gyms in the Los Angeles area.

Our Staff Truly Cares About Your Results

Just about every CrossFit box in California has trainers who know what they’re talking about. Few, though, employ people who care about your success like our coaches and staff.

You’ll begin your time at Paradiso by getting to know one of our trainers in a one on one setting. As a pair, you two will map out a plan that makes sense for your skill level and goals. That coach will be personally invested in your development and will stay by your side throughout all phases of your transformation.

If you’re ready to learn more or see why Culver City is one of the best gyms around, call us at (310) 450-6870 or pay us a visit.

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