Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The second half of our new cycle begins! We will be changing up the order for the Strength/Sprint work and adding in some new equipment like axle bars.

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Game face


Stretch Quads
Foam Roll Glutes
Stretch Lats with band


Coach chooses warm up
Warm up technique for strength work


7 sets of 100 Yard Sprint, first two sets are at 85%. Rest is the walk back to start.
Record your last Sprint time.

Notes: Rest is the JOG back to the starting line. This is the sixth week of sprinting. Sprinting is one of the most injurious activities we participate in, but it is optimal for our overall fitness.  Like the GHD we will be easing into our Tuesday sprints. Do not go all out on the first few sets.


5 rounds of:
“The Chief”
3 minute AMRAP of:
3 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Ups
9 Squats
1 Min Rest

Notes: SCORING: continue each round where you left off on the previous round.
Complete 5 x 3 minute rounds. Rest for 1 minutes between the 3 minute rounds.
L1: DB Hang Cleans 15/10, Knee or banded push-ups
L2: 75/55, Supported push-ups as needed
Rx: 135/95
Rx+: 185/135

Cool Down
Foam Roll Lats
2×10 Single Leg Romanian Dead lifts each leg
2×15 Good Mornings with Barbell

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