Wednesday, June 15, 2016
We are holding our quarterly VBC members only meet on July 8th. Let us know if you plan to compete!
Stretch Hamstrings
Stretch Glutes
Spinal Twist
Across the floor movement prep/mobility (Punter kicks, lunges, banana rolls, frogger hops, inch worms, etc.)
Hip Extensions on GHD
Vertical Jumps
Technical Barbell Warm-Up with Bar
EMOM 10 minutes:
Power Clean 3 (heavier than last week)/ 3 High Box Jumps
Notes: L1: 12/8”
L2: 24/20”
Rx: 30/24”
Share boxes in large classes.
20 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder
40 Toes to Bar
60 Sandbag Front Squats
800 Meter Sandbag Run
Notes: L1: Use Dumbbells if Sandbag is unmanageable. (20/15) otherwise use 30lb sandbag
L2: 50/30
Rx: 70/50
Foam Roll Upper Back
Lay on back hug knees into chest
Seated Pike Stretch