Saturday, May 28, 2016

Next Monday, Memorial Day, we will have one class at Venice starting at 10am where we will be doing Muscle Beach Murph & BBQ. Feel free to bring friends & family.

PCF University begins again June 8th. We will have Prehab2Perform Mobility & Injury prevention, “Sunday Mass” powerlifting, and Muscle Ups. EMAIL US to sign up 🙂

Screen Shot 2016-05-28 at 10.26.06 AM

Serious skills in this class!


PVC Mobility
10 Hanging Lat Activations
Stretch Lats
Pushup Plank 1min


Find Your Partner!
Practice Synching 🙂

20 Synchronized jumping jacks
15 Synchronized air squats
10 Sychronized Handing Lat Retractions
5 Sychronized burpees



Teams of 2:
For time, each pair will relay through stations of:
60 strict handstand push-ups (15/15, 10/10, 5/5)
20 synchronized bar muscle-ups
30/20-cal. row (each)
30/20-cal. row (each) (if there is a bike available, bike)
60 power cleans, 135/95 lb

Notes: This is the first event from this year’s Regional team event 1. For synchro bar muscle ups you only have to show lock out together at the top. For pull-ups try to reach the top of the pull-up together.
L1: Regular Push-ups (banded or knees), synchro ring rows, db power cleans 15/10
L2: Kipping HSPUS (use abmats as necessary), 20 synchro pull-ups (use bands as
needed), 95/65
Rx: 135/95

Cool Down
Stretch Wrists
Mash Traps with Barbell
Mash Quads

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