Saturday, March 5, 2016

*Saturday Programming may change due to Thursday’s Open announcement*

Celebrate the end of the Open with us in VEGAS! This is a climbing trip at the world famous Red Rocks, but we will be enjoying all the city has to offer as well. CLICK HERE for details.


Hold bottom of squat 1min
50′ single arm overhead walking with light kb, bell facing ceiling. R/L
PVC pipe mobility


Run 400m
20 squats
10 thrusters with the bar
10 ring rows

Partner Conditioning

Complete the following congo-line style in teams of three, with each partner completing the following:
For time:
Row 1000 Meters
50 Thrusters (45/33 lbs)
30 Pull-Ups
Immediately followed by…
For time:
Row 1000 Meters
25 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Notes: Partner A begins, and as soon as they have completed the 1000m row, Partner B may get on the erg and begin his/her 1000m row. A partner may only advance to the next station once the person ahead of them has completed the task and moved to the next station.

L1: Cut first round reps in half, 500 meter row/25 DB Thrusters @ 20/15, 15 Ring Rows, do second round as prescribed with reps.

Row 1,000 meters, 25 DB Thrusters 20/15, 15 Ring Rows.
L2: Cut first round reps in half, 500 meter row/25 DB Thrusters @ 20/15, 15 Banded Pull-ups, do second round as prescribed with reps.

Row 1,000 meters, 25 Thrusters 45/35, 15 Banded Pull-ups.
Rx: Round 1: 45/35# Thrusters Round 2: 95/65# Thrusters, Chest to Bar pull-ups.

Cool Down

Foam Roll Lats
Foam Roll Quads
15 wtd reverse snow angels

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