Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Register for the CrossFit Open by Feb. 18th at 1pm to be drafted onto one of the Paradiso Teams! HERE is where you can register, it is important that you do it now! 

Screen Shot 2016-02-09 at 9.06.41 PMHow about that 21 minute EMOM yesterday?


Mash Chest with KB
20 hanging lat activations
10 Groiners


3min open mobility (complete prehab/stretch chest + Lats, etc.)

Every :30 for 3 minutes
3 pushups
3 pull ups
3 tuck jumps


Bench Press
10 at 50%, 6 at 65%, 5 at 70%, 4 at 75%, 3 at 80%, 2 at 85%, 1 at 95%, 1 at 100-105%+

Notes: Percentages are there as a guide not as a requirement. Go with how you feel today and build up to a 1rm bench press.


Three sets for max reps/calories of:
3 minutes of rowing (for max calories)
Rest 1 minute
2 minutes of Handstand Push-ups
Rest 1 minute
1 minute of Pull-ups
Rest 1 minute

Notes: Score each section individually
L1: scale to push-ups (modified or banded) and ring rows
L2: Scale to strict HSPU’s on a box or bench, banded pull-ups
Rx+ Strict HSPU’s, Strict Pull-Ups

Cool Down

Foam Roll Upper Back
Cat Stretch
Couch Stretch 1min each side

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