Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Starting next week we will be offering a 10:30am class at Venice on Saturdays and adding a back up coach to make sure that everybody can get more feedback.

Please reserve your class ahead of time and check the schedule to make sure there is still space in class before showing up!

Screen Shot 2016-01-25 at 9.33.30 PM

Rowing class in action. If you were on the waitlist, or missed it, we are working on setting up another class in the near future!


From all 4s lift opposite arm/leg alternating sides 10 times
Ankle mobility
15 Hip Extensions


1min plank
1min stretch calves :30 r/l
1min Alternating lunges
1min T push-ups


Three sets of:
A. Deadlift x 8 reps (building)
B. Box Step­Ups x 10 reps each leg

Notes: Grab a partner and build to a moderately heavy set of 8 deadlifts across the three sets. On the box step ups hold dumbbells or Kb’s and step up allowing the back leg to trail (do not step both feet onto box) alternate legs. Rest 1 minute between movements.


Tabata push­ups
Run 1 mile
Tabata Box Jumps
Row 1K

Notes; Tabata is a 4 minute work set of 20 seconds on 10 seconds off. On the Push-Ups keep good standards, chest to deck, arms fully locked out at the top. 24”/20” for the box jumps. Start your box jumps at the top of the minute you come in on after your run.

Do not bound!

Cool Down

Stretch Calves
Stretch Quads
20 Arch lifts

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