Monday, January 18, 2016
Congrats to Coach LG for placing 2nd overall at Wodapalooza, the biggest CrossFit-style competition outside of the Games. Give her a high five when you see her this week!
We have a few spots left for the free rowing class this Sunday 1/24. Email us to reserve your spot!
Team PCF representing at the Battle of the Boxes competition in Ventura. This was Kyle’s (far right) first competition. Congrats on surviving buddy!
Stretch Calves
Dead Bug- lay on back with knees up 90 degree bend in knees, fists up towards ceiling arms straight. lower and lift on limb at a time toward the ground and back while KEEPING LOW BACK ON GROUND here is a video reference:
Grab a Med Ball!
2 rounds:
10 slow mountain climbers hand on ball… streeeetch
10 Med Ball deadlifts
10 Med Ball Goblet Squats
10 Push-ups with hands on Med Ball
3X10 Back Squat (add five to ten pounds from last week)
4 rounds for time:
10 dumbbell burpee deadlifts
15 Thrusters
200 meter run
Notes: A dumbbell burpee involves dropping to a burpee with hands on the db’s popping the hips up and standing tall holding the db’s. Rx weight is 20/35 Rx+ 35/50
Cool Down
Foam Roll Legs
Foam Roll Glutes
Banded Hamstring stretch