Monday, January 4, 2016
PCF University starts next week. SIGN UP NOW! Classes will run from January 11-February 18. Monday 7pm is the Better Sleep & Stress Reduction with Tessie, Tuesday 730pm is Nutrition with Matt, Wednesday is both Prehab/Mobility with the Sudells 8pm & Handstand Walking with Chelsea 830pm, and Thursday 630pm is Running with Joshy G. Spots fill up quick so EMAIL US NOW to reserve your place in class!
A year in pictures, 2015 recap!
Banded Lat stretches
Keg Drill
Foam Roll Lats
Run 400m
3 rounds:
5 ring rows
10 sit ups
15 air squats
Warm up for complex
7 x 1: Clean and Jerk Complex @ 70% +10/20
–Power Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
Notes: Every 90 seconds. Complete the complex unbroken. OK to add weight across sets. We will perform a new clean complex over the next few weeks, look to add 5/10lbs a week.
800m Run, then
21 -15 – 9
Pull Ups
2 x Wall Balls (20/14#)
Notes: Yes, Wall Ball reps are 42/30/18.
Cool Down
Foam Roll Legs
Foam Roll Lats
Runners Lunge