Wednesday, December 30, 2015
We will have morning & mid day classes at both gyms on New Year’s Eve, and we will have two classes at 10 and 11am at Venice on New Year’s Day, MDR will be closed.
PCF University will run from January 11-February 18. Monday 7pm is the Better Sleep & Stress Reduction with Tessie, Tuesday 730pm is Nutrition with Matt, Wednesday is both Prehab/Mobility with the Sudells 8pm & Handstand Walking with Chelsea 830pm, and Thursday 630pm is Running with Joshy G. Spots fill up quick so EMAIL US NOW to reserve your place in class!
Super Rack Stretch
Wrist Stretches
Keg Drill
400m Run
then 3 rounds
:20 of V Ups
:20 of air squats
:20 hanging lat activations
EMOM x 12:
1 — 15 Hollow Rocks
2 — 8 Plyo Push Ups
3 — 2 Pull Overs
Notes: Scale Hollow Rocks to 30s hold. Plyo push up = hand release at top: can be hand release at top, clapping or onto boxes/bumper plates. Pull Over scaled to 8 strict toes to bar.
4 Rounds:
200m run
20 Barbell Front Rack box step ups (75/55)
15 Toes to Bar
Notes: Set up box so that knee is just above hip/parallel height.
Cool Down
Upward Dog- Stretch Abs
Stretch Calves
PVC dislocates