Thursday, December 3, 2015

Watch your fellow members HERE, Ariel Sandoval and Jeremy Fabregas compete in the American Open (a HUGE weightlifting competition) this Saturday December 5 on the USAW live stream.

Join us for a Holiday Beach Party & Low Country Boil at Mother’s Beach on Saturday December 12th at 130pm. We will be cooking shrimp, sausage, potatoes, and corn! CLICK HERE for more details.


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Kettlebell hell is better with friends!


Duck walks
20 Groiners R/L
10 single arm strict press with light kb R/L


Grab a light or medium kb

3 rounds
10 goblet squats
10 russian kb swings
10 sumo deadlift high pulls
10 alternating kb cleans


2 Front Squats

Notes: Shoot for 80-85% of your 1RM and try to stick with the same weight across. If you need to make a small adjustment, do so.


3 Rounds:
21 Wall Balls (20/14)
18 Pull ups
15 KBS (53/35)
9 Burpees

Notes: Scale the Pull Ups with Ring Rows. Kipping is allowed on the HSPU and scale by doing pike/down dog/plank push ups.

Cool Down

Plank 1:00
Side Plank :30 each side
Foam Roll Glutes

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