Monday, November 30, 2015

Watch your fellow members HERE, Ariel Sandoval and Jeremy Fabregas compete in the American Open (a HUGE weightlifting competition) this Saturday December 5 on the USAW live stream.


11693885_10153026783478041_1936751281437761021_nClick Here to read our interview with Ariel Sandoval about his American Open Campaign


Ankle Mobility
Hip bridges x 10
Hip Extensions x 20


Row 500m
10 Monster Walks ea. direction
10 pause air squats with theraband around knees
10 Medicine Ball Cleans
10 Wall Balls


Back Squat 8-6-4-2-1

Notes: Take a couple warm up sets to get to your first working weight. Shoot for 75% of your 1RM then work your way up to a heavy single for the day. You might not hit your PR or above but that is OK!


Buy In 500m Row
Ring Dips
Med Ball Cleans (20/14)
Buy Out 500m Row

Notes: Scale Ring Dips to Bench Dips or use a band. For the Med Ball Clean see video ( If there is a shortage of rowers, stagger class to accomodate.

Cool Down

Foam Roll Glutes/Hamstrings, hips
Banded Hip Stretch
Wrist Stretches

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