Sunday, November 8, 2015

If you want to try your hand at an Olympic Weightlifting meet, we are hosting the first annual VBC Holiday Classic Weightlifting meet on Nov. 14. Register now!

  Proper execution of the grasshopper!


20 Lat activations
Banded ankle and hip mobility


Jump Rope 2 min
5 inch worms
10 situps
10 samson lunges
10 pushups


Run 1 mile
50 Grasshoppers (L/R=1)
50 Sit ups
100 Double Unders
50 Hollow Rocks
50 Arch Rocks
Run 1 mile
-30 minute cap-

Notes: Do not rush through the hollow & arch rocks! Focus on good position and take rest to ensure proper positioning. If you cannot perform hollow rocks, hold a static hollow or tuck position for 1 minute cumulatively. Double unders can be scaled to 300 singles.

Cool Down

Foam Roll Calves
Upward dog
Quad Stretch

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