Sunday, September 20, 2015
Calling all endurance lovers! Be sure to sign up for the beach cruiser triathalon at the PCF World Championship. We can supply a beach cruiser if you don’t have one. You can check out all of the event details, workouts, and skills tests HERE.
Foam roll calves
Calf raises x 20 each
15 PVC Dislocates
Accumulate 90 seconds in plank
50′ High Kicks
50′ Butt Kicks
50′ High Knees
50′ High Skips
50′ Lunge & Reach
50′ Bear Crawl
50′ Crab Walk
Warm up movements
30 Minute AMRAP
800m run
6 Power Snatches
12 Burpees over the bar
24 Situps
Notes: RX+ is 135/95lbs on power snatches, RX is 95/65
Cool Down
15 Back Extensions
Foam roll calves
Calf Stretch x 1:00 each
15 Back Extensions