Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Make sure you check out the PCF World Championship event details and signup to support your gym now!
Ankle Mobility 1 min ea. side
Wrist Stretches :30 each
10 Banded Good Mornings
15 Reverse Snow Angels
100′ Shuttle Run
5 High Jumps
5 Snatch Pulls from high hang
5 Snatch Pulls from low hang
5 Snatch Extensions from low hang
5 Overhead squat
5 Hang power snatch
5 Power snatch
Take 20 minutes to build up to a heavy set of 2 Power Snatch
Notes: These are not touch and go reps. Reset for the second rep and go as heavy as possible without breaking form.
New athletes may perform 2 hang power snatch.
7 minutes of Burpees
Notes: RX is doing the burpees to a 6 inch target. Buckle up! The infamous workout from the 2012 Crossfit Games open!
Cool Down
2 Rounds:
Pec Stretch :30s each side
Cat Stretch :60s
Wall Extension 10 reps