Wednesday, June 24, 2015

-Join us for the Venice Barbell Summer Lifting meet this Saturday from 10am-2:30pm.  We will have a grill out, so bring some food and drinks and cheer on your fellow athletes!

-Friends and Family workout for free next Saturday for the 4th of July!


Sampson Stretch x :30 each
Leg Swings x 10 each direction
Thoracic Spine Smash x :60
Foam Roll Calves x :60 each


2 Rounds:
:45 double unders or progressions
10 Stiff Legged Windmills (5l/5r)
10 Goblet Squats
3 Inchworms with pushup


Deadlift – take 15-20 minutes to warm up and complete sets of 5 reps at 55%, 65%, 75% and  5 + reps at 85%.

Notes:  IF YOU PERFORMED 5+ REPS Last time please add 5-10lbs to your 1RM then take your percentage off of that number. If you did not please keep your 1RM the same. Make sure on the last set you complete as many reps as you can (safely at 85 percent). Make sure you maintain proper form and posture on Deadlifts to protect your back. Do not allow back to round. Remember technique is the key so please keep light if you are new to Deadlifts. You may also use Kettlebells or Dumbbells for those that need it scaled down.


AMRAP 12 Minutes
20 Double Unders
10 KB Swings
20 Cal Row

Notes: The Kettlebell weight is Rx+ is 32/24kg and Rx is 24/16kg. If you cannot perform Double Unders please complete 60 single unders. If there is not a rower available please complete a 200m Run.

Cool Down

50 Situps
Couch Stretch x :60 each
Calf Stretch x :60 each
Pigeon Stretch x :60 each

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