Tuesday, June 23, 2015

-Join us for the Venice Barbell Summer Lifting meet this Saturday from 10am-2:30pm.  We will have a grill out, so bring some food and drinks and cheer on your fellow athletes!

-Body Spec Body composition truck will be at Venice today from 3:30-8:15.  Click HERE to schedule your appointment.  If that doesn’t work, they will be at MDR the following week on the 29th, click HERE.


Theraband Routine x 15 reps each
German Stretch x :30
Cat Stretch x :30
Groiners x :30 each


100′ Bear Crawl
:30 Hollow Hold
100′ Ape Walk
:30 Arch Hold
100′ Crab Walk
:30 Active Hang


Spend 12 minutes practicing the following Muscle Up Progressions:
Arch to Hollow Swing on Rings
Hip to Ring Pullups (or as high as you can pull)
Banded Hip Extension and Transition
Spotted Muscleups (advanced)

Notes:  Advanced athletes can use these drills to warmup and perfect technique!


3 Rounds
800m Run
12 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Hang Power Snatch
4 Muscle Ups
-25 Min Time Cap

Notes: The RX+ weight for the hang power snatch is 135/95lbs. The RX weight is 95/65 lb with 6 strict pull ups and 6 dips for muscleups.

Cool Down

2 Rounds:
10 Wall Extensions
Hip Mobility of Choice x :60 each side

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