Saturday, June 13th, 2015


Fire Hydrants, 10 each direction
Downdog ankle stretch, 20x
10 Wall extensions
Lat activations, 10 each variation
10 Wall squats


2 minutes Double under practice
Jog 200 meters
5 Burpees
10 Ring Rows or Pull ups
15 Squats

Go over movements for workout. Warm up with various weights


“Team Work”
400m Run/Row Relay
Then Complete the following w/ only 1 team member working at a time:
100 Wall Balls
90 Weighted Sit-ups
80 Double Unders
70 KB Swings
60 Burpees
50 Pull-ups

Notes: RX for the wall balls is 20lbs, KB swings are 32/24kg. If the weight is too heavy please scale accordingly. The single under number is 300 single unders.

Remember after the 400m Run/Row relay only 1 team member working at a time. You must tag your partner before picking up where they left off.

Cool down:

Doorway stretch, 30 seconds per side
Pigeon stretch, 1 minute each
Calf stretch, 30 seconds per side
Straddle, 2 minutes

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