May 26

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Contact us to reserve your spot for the next PCFU semester of classes starting at the end of this week!



Foam Roll Legs, Lats and Calves for 5 minutes
Super Rack Stretch x :30 each
Bottom of the Squat x :60
Keg Drill x :60


Jog 200 meters
Groiners x :30 each
10 Wall Squats
10 Ring Rows
10 Tuckups
Sampson Stretch x :30 each
10 Front Squats


Front Squat – take 15-20 minutes to warm up and complete sets of 5 reps at 55%, 65%, 75% and  5 + reps at 85%.

Notes: Please make sure on the last set you complete as many reps as you can (safely at 85 percent). Maintain straight posture as you lower yourself down. Make sure the hip crease is below the knees before you stand up. Fight for the front rack position as the weight gets heavy by keeping those elbows as high as you can. Please add a box if you struggle to get below parallel. If that is the case please keep the weight light until proper form and technique is achieved.  


30 pull ups
400m run
15 overhead squats
400m run
15 overhead squats
400m run
30 pull ups
-15 min time cap-

Notes: The Rx weight for the workout is 95/65 for advanced and 75/55 for scaled. For pull ups please scale to banded pull ups or ring rows. Please use barbell, trainer bar or pvc pipe if you cannot perform the overhead squat with weight. For those with shoulder or mobility issues please perform heavy goblet squats.

Cool Down

2 Rounds:
Wall Extensions x 10 reps
Calf Stretch x :30 each
Couch Stretch x :60 each

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