April 24

Friday, April 24, 2015


Posterior chain flossing, 1 minute each
Super rack stretch, :30 seconds each
Active hang, :30 seconds + 10 Lat activations
Bottom of squat, 2 minutes


Row or Run 400 meters
5 Burpees
10 Strict pull ups or Ring rows
2 rounds w/ barbell:
5 Good mornings
5 Behind the neck press
5 Pause Front squats
5 Thrusters

Cool down:

Doorway stretch, 30 seconds each
Theraband routine, 10 reps each
Couch stretch, 30 seconds each


“Bergeron Beep Test”
Every Minute for as long as possible, perform the following:
7 Thrusters
7 Pull ups
7 Burpees

Notes:  Prescribed is 75/55.  The Bergeron Beep Test is a test of CrossFit-Specific conditioning and mental fortitude from the training program competitorstraining.com.  For newer athletes, scale the weight and perform ring rows as needed to perform a minimum of 7 rounds.  Check out the benchmarks below:

Super Elite/Specialists: 20+

Games Level Athletes: 18+

Regional Level Athletes: 13+

Open Level Athletes: 9+


3-4 sets of:
10 Good Mornings, slow down, fast up
10 Dislocates with PVC
Rest 60 seconds between sets

Notes:  Perform the above with the remaining class time.  For the good mornings, focus on maintaining a tight lumbar spine and tension in the hamstrings.  Keep the weight moderate because these can make you sore!


DJ Phil!

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