April 8

Free Rock Climbing lesson at Rockreation this Sunday. Limited to 50 people.  You must reserve your space in advance!

Paradiso Nike women!

Wednesday, April 8


Jog 200 meters
Monster Walks x 10 steps each direction
Ankle mobility x 60 seconds
Wide Grip Lat Activations x 10 reps
Groiners x 30 seconds each
15 PVC Dislocates
15 PVC Overhead squats

With a barbell:
10 Good Mornings
10 Hang Muscle Snatches
10 Overhead Squats

Cool Down

2 Rounds:
External Rotation w/ Theraband x15 each
Shoulder Circles w/ Theraband x 10 each direction each arm
Wrist curls x 15 reps each direction each arm


Fitness Strength

Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes (5 sets), perform:
3 Hang Muscle or Power Snatches plus 2 Overhead Squats
3 Vertical jumps

Notes: Perform the vertical jumps immediately after the barbell work, with a focus on height. Feel free to provide yourself with a target. If you cannot perform a full depth overhead squat with proper form, don’t worry about staying on the clock and include mobility work into your sets to see how you can improve your position each set.


Advanced Strength

Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes, perform: 3 Power Snatch

Notes: These should all be from the ground, but if you struggle to make hip contact, perform a snatch grip deadlift and then a hang power snatch. Start around 70% and build up to 3 sets at 80%. We will be performing “Isabel” in 2 weeks, so get ready by focusing on technique!


Fitness and Advanced Conditioning

10 minute Amrap:
100 meter Sprint
1 Rope Climb

Notes: Prescribed is to the 15’ mark. Scale down by going as high as you feel comfortable and practicing the anchor or performing a rope lower.


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