April 4

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Free Rock Climbing lesson at Rockreation, Sunday, April 12 from 6-8pm.  Free for members and limited to 50 people.  You must reserve your space in advance!


Monster walks, 10 each direction
10 Banded squats
Tricep smash, 30 second each
15-20 Reverse Snow Angels
Downdog ankle stretch, 20x
Foam roll IT band, lats


30 Jumping Jacks
20 Jumping Lunges
:30 sec Handstand hold
10 Tuck ups
10 Arch ups
10 Good mornings
5 Pause Front squat

Cool down:

Cobra stretch, 30 seconds
10 Wall extensions
Pigeon stretch, 1 minute each

Fitness and Advanced Strength

Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (7 sets):
2 Front Squats plus 6 strict handstand pushups

Notes:  Work up to the heaviest weight possible for the front squats.  Perform handstand pushup variation or 10 regular pushups if needed to prioritize full range of motion.

Partner Conditioning

6 minute amrap, partners alternate completing rounds:
100 meter run
1 Rope Climb
Rest 1 minute
6 minute amrap, partners alternate completing rounds:
100 meter run
10 Toes to bar
Rest 1 minute
6 minute amrap, partners alternate completing rounds:
100 meter run
10 Dumbbell Snatches, alternating

Notes:  Prescribed is 50/35.  Scale down to hanging knee raises or tuck-ups if needed to maintain form and intensity.  


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