April 1
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Friday is our first ever Women’s Only Workout and Wine night. This will be a free workout for all friends and family at Venice from 7:30pm until the wine runs out!
Venice will close early for this event.
Jog 400 meters
Wrist mobility
Overhead band distraction, 1 minute each
Fire Hydrants, 10 each direction
Samson stretch, 30 seconds each
10 PVC Dislocates
10 Jumping Good mornings
10 PVC Overhead squats
Hold bottom of Overhead Squat, :30 seconds
With a barbell:
5 Good Mornings
5 Behind the neck Push press
5 Snatch High Pulls
5 Overhead Squats
Cool down:
100 Abmat sit ups in as few sets as possible
Cobra stretch, 30 seconds
Couch stretch, 30 seconds each
Fitness Strength
5 Rounds:
5 Overhead Squats
6 Speed Skater Jumps (3 each direction)
Notes: Lets keep those incremental improvements coming this week! This is our last week of the Overhead squats, we will be moving into some muscle/power snatch work next week!
Perform the speed skater jumps immediately after the squats, with a focus on distance and a quality landing. If you cannot perform a full depth overhead squat with proper form, perform only 3 sets of the above with a pause in your overhead squat, include mobility work into your sets to see how you can improve your position each set.
Advanced Strength
5 x 5 Power Snatch
Notes: This will be our last week of big sets. These should all be from the ground, but if you struggle to make hip contact, perform a snatch grip deadlift and then a hang power snatch. Start around 60% and build up to a 5 rep max. We will be performing “Isabel” in a few weeks, so get ready by focusing on technique!
Partner Conditioning
Teams of 2:
Row 750 meters each
Row 500 meters each
Row 250 meters each
Notes: Only one athlete working at a time. If you row under a 2:10 pace, reduce your distance to 600/400/200 to maintain intensity!