March 21
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Super rack stretch, 1 minute each
Bottom of squat, 2 minutes
Leg swings, 10 each direction
Lat activations, 10x
10 T-push ups
10 Arch rocks
Row or Run 400 meters
5 Inchworms
10 Goblet squats
15 Russian KB Swings
20 Russian twist w/ KB
15 Jumping Squats
10 Ring rows
5 Burpees
Cool down:
Foam roll IT band, glutes, quads
Doorway stretch, 30 seconds each
Calf stretch, 1 minute each
Fitness Strength
Every minute for 15 minutes:
Minute 1: 5 Front Squats
Minute 2: 5 Strict Pullups
Minute 3: 15 Pushups
Notes: Work up to the heaviest weight possible for the front squats. Add weight if needed for the pullups, scale with negatives if needed.
Perform negatives with hands facing away, jump and hold chin above bar for one second, lower down in 3-5 seconds to full extension, then jump back to the top for the next rep. Scale the pushup angle as needed to maintain good form and the ability to be explosive on the way up.
Fitness and Advanced Partner Conditioning
15 minute amrap:
100 Box Jumps Overs
100 Kettlebell Swings
100 Wall Balls, 20/14
100 Cal Row
Notes: Prescribed is 24”/20,” 55/35 and 20/14 to 10’ target. Teams of 2 with one person working at a time.
New athletes and those with mobility issues can perform russian style swings.
Use a box or ball if needed for the wall balls.