February 6

Friday, February 6, 2015

Get ready for some “Benchmark testing” again in the coming weeks!


Theraband routine
Super rack stretch
Banded squats, 10-20 reps


2 minutes single unders/Double unders practice
10 Push ups
10 Ring rows or 5 Muscle up ring rows
10 Jumping squats
5 Strict press
5 Push press
5 Push jerk

Cool down:

Pigeon stretch
Calf stretch
10 Wall extensions

Fitness Strength:

1. 10 minutes to establish your 1 rep max Strict Press

1. Every minute on the minute for 5 minutes, perform Push Press x 2 reps

Notes:  Focus on squeezing your body tight for the press and a good dip and drive and strong finish in the push press.  Use your heaviest strict press weight for part B.  It is ok if you hit failure on the second rep in the push press, just relaly focus on driving the bar up with the legs!

Advanced Strength

1. 10 minutes to establish your 1 rep max Push Press

1. Every minute on the minute for 5 minutes, perform Push Jerk x 1 rep

Notes:  Focus on a good dip and drive and strong finish in the push press.  Use your heaviest push press weight for part B.

 If you have overhead mobility limitations, perform the split jerk.

CrossFit Games Workout 13.3/12.4

12 Minute Amrap:
150 Wall Balls
90 Double Unders
20 Muscleups

Notes:  Prescribed is 20lb ball to 10’ target and 14lb ball to 9’ target, with a full depth squat for every rep.  The muscleups must start with a full hang (no bend in the elbow at the bottom) and a full lockout at the top.

 If you cannot perform muscleups yet, note the time it takes to complete the double unders, then perform the same number of reps of hip to ring pullups.

Sidenote:  Many people can not perform the 150 wall balls as prescribed within the time cap.  That is ok!  If you would like, you may just perform the workout “Karen,” which is 150 wall balls for time.  Sorry to say ladies, prescribed for Karen is the 10’ target.

Scaled variation:

12 minute Amrap:
30 Wall Balls
20 Double Unders
5 Burpee Pullups

Notes:  This variation is for new athletes or anyone that doesn’t want to do 150 wall balls!  Scale the double unders to :30 of effort or parallette jump overs.  If needed, performing a burpee jumping pullup.


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