February 4

Wednesday, February 4, 2012

PCFU Gymnastics Class at Venice tonight at 8pm!


Posterior chain flossing
Scapula Push ups
Reverse plank hold
10-15 Light Good mornings


Jog or Row 400 meters
With a light kettlebell:
10 Deadlift
10 Russian Swings
10 Goblet Squats
10 Single arm swing (5l/5r)

Cool down:

Foam roll back, glutes, quads
10-15 Wall extensions

Fitness Strength

Deadlifts at the following reps:  10-6-8-6-4

Recommended:  65%-75%-80%-85%-90%

Notes: Do not perform this protocol if you would like to test Diane.  If you do not have percentages, build off last week.  If the coach establishes that you do not have a quality bottom position, you will perform a Romanian style Deadlift starting on boxes or a rack.  This goes for everyone no matter your experience!

 Take time to improve and perfect this position and you will get better at all movement.

Advanced Strength

Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes:  Clean x 1 rep

Notes:  Start around 60% and build up to your heaviest rep for the day.  Have some plates ready on the side to add before starting.

 These should be squat cleans.

Fitness Conditioning

3 Rounds for time:
15 Kettlebell Swings
15 Pushups
3 Wall Walks

Notes:  Prescribed is 55/35 and nose to wall.  Scale to russian style swings if needed.

Advanced Conditioning

21-15-9 reps
Deadlifts (225/155)
Handstand Pushups
-15 min cap-

Notes:  Prescribed is hands within a 3’x2’ box, with head and hands level.  Each rep must start and finish with arms locked out and feet against the wall, be surer to touch the head at the bottom, kipping is allowed.  If you struggle with deadlift form, you may sub with a heavy kettlebell.


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