February 2

Monday, February 2, 2015

4 Weeks until the CrossFit Games begins!  Sign up HERE and ask a coach if you have any questions!


Super rack stretch
Wrist and ankle mobility
Fire Hydrants


Jog 400 meters
10 T-push ups
10 Jumping Lunges
:30 second Handstand hold
Fitness and Advance split up to practice respective snatch work

Cool down:

Pigeon stretch
10 Wall extensions
Couch stretch

Fitness Strength

Every 3 minutes for 18 minutes (6 sets), perform the following for Quality:
8 Dumbbell Snatches
6 Reverse Lunges

Notes:  Perform both exercises back to back.  Work up to the heaviest dumbbell you are comfortable with.  Focus on exploding in the hips and finishing aggressively with your arms overhead.  This is very similar to the muscle snatch with a barbell.  Hold two Dbs for the reverse lunges or hold one in the front rack position, go as heavy as you feel comfortable.

Advanced Strength

Every 3 minutes for 18 minutes, perform a Hang Snatch plus Snatch

Notes:  Warm up and try to perform the first working set at 65-75% and build up to the heaviest possible for the day.  These should be full squat and are not touch and go.  Drop the bar and reset before the second snatch.  Scale by performing both reps from the hang if needed to ensure quality position.

Fitness and Advanced Conditioning

1000 meter row
50 Thrusters
30 Pullups

Notes:  Prescribed is the 45lb barbell for both men and women.  New athletes should perform 2 rounds of 500m row, 25 thrusters and 15 pullups.  Scale by using Dbs and ring rows if needed.  



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