January 23
Friday, January 23, 2015
Super rack stretch
Theraband routine
Bird dogs
Jog 200 meters
5 Stiff Legged Deadlift
5 Hang Power Clean
5 Push press
5 Front Squat
5 Push jerk
5 Thruster
Cool down:
Foam roll quads, glutes and calves
Fitness Strength
Every minute for 16 minutes alternate the following movements:
Even Minutes: Shoulder to Overhead x 3 reps
Odd Minutes: Arch to Hollow to Arch to Vup x 3 reps
Notes: The goal is to add weight each round for the presses. Go as long as you can with strict presses. If you fail a rep, you may move to the push press. By the end you will be performing 3 push press each round.
For the hollow to arch roll, focus on trying to rotate your shoulder and hip at the same time, scale to a tuckup if needed.
Advanced Strength
Every other minute for 16 minutes perform:
Strict Press 2×3 reps
Push Press 2×2 reps
Push Jerk 2×1 rep
Split Jerk 2×1 rep
Notes: You should be able to add weight every round. If you have any thoracic or shoulder mobility issues, you should skip the push jerk and perform all split.
CrossFit Games Open 11.5
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Power cleans
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall balls
Notes: Prescribed is 145/100 and 20/14 medball to a 10’/9’ target. Scale the load as needed. New athletes should perform 15 minutes of 10 reps of each movement with lighter weight, focusing on quality movement.
Scale the power cleans to a deadlift plus hang power clean if needed. Toes to bar can be scaled to hanging knee raises or situps. Prioritize a quality squat in the wall balls by using a box or ball.