
Friday December 19, 2014


Wrist and Calves Mobility/ Stretches
Tricep Mash
Foam Roll IT Band and Quads


5 Plank to Down Dog (Pause in each position)
10 Pushups
10 Russian KBS (medium wt)
30 Sec Handstand/ Plank Hold
10 Overhead KBS
30 Sec Air Squats
200 M Run


Foam Roll Calves/ Quad/ IT Band
Banded Super Rack Stretch
Wrist and Calves Stretches




Every minute for 16 minutes, alternate movements:

2-4 wall walks
10 pistols (5r/5l)

Notes:  Prescribed for the wall walks is control up and down, with only the nose and toes touching at the top position.  Use the banded rack setup for the pistol and scale the range of motion as needed for both movements to prioritize quality positioning.


400 meter Farmer’s Carry (55/ 35 KB)


3 Rounds of:

25 Jumping Squats (45/ 35 Barbell)
Run 400 meters

-20 min cap-

Notes:  Score is total time.  Scale down the jumping squats to regular squats if needed for quality positioning.




Every minute for 16 minutes perform 1 strict Handstand Pushup

Notes:  Score your best deficit for the leaderboard!  For stronger athletes this will mean a deficit using plates, boxes or parallettes.  Feel free to use bands as needed and change the height or variation each minute depending on how the previous rep felt.


“Muscleup Biathlon”

Run 400 meters
21 Muscleups
Run 400 meters
15 Muscleups
Run 400 meters
9 Muscleups

Notes:  Prescribed for this workout is to perform a 200 meter “penalty run” every time you take a break on the muscleups.  Scale by simple attempting to perform the reps with no penalty run or by performing the same number of hip to ring pullups and dips each round.

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