Friday, December 12, 2014
Reverse Snow Angels, 10 reps, Slow
Active Hang, 30 sec
Banded Super Rack, 30 sec
2 Rounds:
8 T- Pushups
10 Strict Shoulder Press (1 set in front, 2 set Behind the Neck)
10 Tuckups
10 Push Press
Overhead Band Distraction, 30 sec each
German Hang, 30 sec
Reverse Plank Hold, 30 sec
Band Lat Stretch, 30 sec each
Fitness and Advanced Strength
Five sets of Push Press x 3 reps
Notes: Rest as needed between sets. Work up to a 3 rep max for the day.
Fitness Conditioning
Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets), for times:
Row or Run 1000 Meters
10 Burpee Pullups
20 Dips or Pushups
Notes: Prescribed is rowing, pullups with the bar just out of fingertip reach and dips. Scale the run/row distance down if needed to get in the other work and at least a 1 minute rest between rounds.
Perform jumping pullups if needed for the burpees.
Advanced Conditioning
Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets), for times:
Row 1000 Meters
10 Muscle-Ups
20 Push Press (175/115 lbs)
Notes: Scale the row distance, reps and weight as needed each round to get at least 1 minute rest each round. If you cannot perform Mus yet, scale by performing 10 hip to ring pullups and 10 dips