Estimate your caloric needs to achieve your goals

Sign up for the Everything is Everything Challenge HERE and start planning how you will accomplish your goals now!

Today’s video topic is about how to estimate your daily caloric needs using our EIE Guide.  This isn’t the sexiest topic to discuss, but it is important!!  Take your time to come up with your best estimate on your own or come to one of the EIE discussions today at MDR at 8:30 or tomorrow at Venice at 6:30pm.  Tomorrow we will start discussing the process of looking at your nutrition and making changes to help achieve your goals!

Wednesday,  September 17, 2014

Special guest gymnastics coach David St. Pierre at Venice from 8-9:30.  Reserve your spot in wodify in advance, limited to 10 people.  Read the gymnastics programming for more details.

Everything is Everything discussion on planning and accomplishing your Health and Fitness goals with Diso at MDR at 8:30pm.


10 Pike Leg Raises
Calf Stretch
10 Straddle Leg Raises

Warm Up

2 Rounds:
15 Tuck Ups
15 Goblet Squats
15 Kettlebell Swings

Cool Down

Couch Stretch, 1 minute each
Active Hang, 1 minute
Straddle on Wall, 2 minutes



Every 90 seconds for 3 sets:

Strict Toes to Bar x 6-8 reps

Tempo Front Squats x 6-8 reps, 3 seconds down, 1 second pause

Side Plank ups x 10-15 reps each side

Notes:  Use a spotter if possible for the strict T2B and keep your legs straight, control up and down.  Do not allow your feet to go behind the bar.



3 Rounds:

400 meter run

21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

12 Pullups

Notes:  Newer athletes and those with overhead mobility issues should scale the KBS to russian style.



Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):

Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch

Notes:  Build over the course of the ten sets.  If you cannot perform a full depth OHS with quality shoulder position, only go as deep as you can and make improving the OHS part of your daily personalized warmup.  Perform the movement from the hang position if you needed.


Every minute, on the minute, for 18 minutes:

Minute 1 – 15 Double Kettlebell Swings (24/16)

Minute 2 – 15 Box Step-Overs with Front-Racked Kettlebells (24/16)

Minute 3 – 15 Unbroken Wall Ball Shots

Notes:  Ideally use the same weight for the swings and stepups, but due to logistics and ability, you may use a single heavy KB for the swings and/or Dbs for the stepups.  The Double swing will be a new movement for most of you and is performed Russian style.  This is more challenging because you must use a wider stance.  Focus on using your hips and legs to drive the weight, not your back.  Unless you are well-over 6-feet tall, use a 20? box for the step-overs. If you are under 5’4?, use a 16? box.

Note about these now infamous Wednesday workouts from CJ:  It is improbable that most people will make it through without scaling the number of reps. That’s exactly what we expect, and what a large population of the followers have been doing the past several Wednesdays.  Outside of the physical training benefits, the purpose of these EMOMs is mental hardening, and to do that best you have to put people against the seemingly insurmountable and find out how they respond. Some people keep trying – giving everything they have in each 60 second period until the bitter end. Others will give up because they couldn’t succeed. It’s a nice test for one day to see how people will hit that wall…and a good opportunity to learn from it in future workouts/events that test the outer limits.

This had to be reposted. Some of Charlie’s best work.

There have been many posts now about the amazing meet on Saturday in Monrovia. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that lifted and who came out to watch. This is a crazy little sport and it seems to get its hooks into people something fierce. That is how it was for me two years ago when I started lifting at meets and thought it would be a cool idea to start a barbell club at Paradiso. At the time it was like a hobby outside of CrossFit. Now, we are a team. And we are actually pretty good and well respected at every meet we go to! Saturday was the culmination of so much hard work from everyone involved and for our TEAM to be supported so emphatically by our larger community was incredible. Everyone who lifted should be proud of what we have created and where we are headed. And anyone who is on the fence about coming to VBC or hitting me up about competing or anything else lifting related, do no hesitate anymore. I will never forget Saturday’s meet and I hope it was the first of many like in the history of Venice Barbell Club.

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