Learn the Kipping Pullup

Friday, August 8


Overhead Band Distraction, 30 sec each
10 PVC Dislocates
10 Lat Activations
10 Leg Swings
10 Single Leg Calf Raises


5 Inchworms
Lat Activations, use 3 different grips for 5 reps each
10 Burpees
5 Bar Taps
20 Mt. Climbers


Foam Roll/ Stretch Calves
Banded Super Rack, 30 sec each
10 Wall Extensions, slow
Door way Chest Stretch



Take 15-20 minutes to practice/develop kipping pull-ups and bar muscle-ups:
-Strict Ring Row vs Kipping Ring row

-Swinging on the bar – mobility and midline!

-Using an assistance band and spotters to help with pullups, chest to bar pullups and bar muscleups

-Learning to link the repetitions

Notes:  Stay safe on your hands and shoulders.  Take breaks when needed and focus on quality over quantity.


3 Rounds:

Row 500 Meters

30 Push Press (75/55)

15 Toes to bar or Vups/Tuckups

Rest 2 minutes between rounds

-20 min cap-

Notes:  Scale the weight to allow for big unbroken fast sets.  Dbs or Barbell may be used.  If space allows, try performing toes to bar on rings as a scale.




“Games 2014 – Triple 3?

Row 3,000 Meters

300 Double-Unders

Run 3 Miles

-45 min cap-



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