Spirit of the Games
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Reminder to get your meat orders in by Friday! Click HERE for how this works!
Theraband Routine
Handstand Hold :30 sec
Leg Swings
Warm Up
10 DB Strict Press
10 DB Lunges
10 Ring Rows
10 Side Plank Leg Raises (per side)
Cool Down
20 x Hollow Rocks
20 x Arch Rocks
German Hang
Four sets with 45 seconds rest between movements:
Shoulder Press x 6-8 reps
Russian Step-Ups x 10 reps each leg
Partner Leg tosses x 10-12 reps
Notes: Use Dbs or barbell for the press and try to go heavier than last time!
8 minute Amrap:
5 Dumbbell Power Clean and Push Press
10 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
15 Push-Ups
Run 800 meters
Notes: The dumbbells for the advanced athletes should be 50/35. Be sure to scale the pushups to allow for continual movement!
Strict Press
5 reps @ 80-85%
4 reps @ 85-90%
3 reps @ 90-95%
2 reps @ 95-98%
1 rep @ 100-105%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Every 6 minutes, for 24 minutes (4 sets) of:
Run 400 Meters
10 Alternating One-Arm DB Snatch (70/50 lbs)
20/15 Ring Dips (ladies, 15 reps)
Run 400 Meters
Note times for each set, and any modifications.
Compare to June 24, 2014