Newbie Corner

EIE Challenge Homework this week is No Eating Out.  With the weekend right around the corner, this is a perfect time to pull out those paleo cookbooks.  See if you can substitute your favorite meal out with one that is made by you in a much healthier version.  Not only will it be better for you, but much cheaper too.

Friday, February 14, 2014


Foam Roll Lats and Quads
10 Fire Hydrants, each leg
10 Supermans


5 Lat Activation each; wide, narrow, underhand close
2 Rounds:
10 Squat Jumps
10 Bar Taps
10 Wide Mt. Climber, Pause 2 sec with each leg switch
10 Bridges

Classic Strength:

A) Back Squat: 3 – 3 – 2 – 2 – work up in weight each set

B) Ring Rows: 4 x 10

Notes: The back squats should progress to a near maximal set of two if you do not know your percentages. The ring rows should be the hardest variation possible to allow movement through 10 reps. Boxes may be used to take more body weight.

Advanced Strength:

A) Back Squat: 2×3@90%, 2×2@95%

B) Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups: 4 x ME

Notes: Ask for spotters as need for these squats. If too much assistance band is need for the chest to bar, go to strict regular pull ups or do the ring rows.


10 Handstand Push Ups

30 Deadlifts (135/95)

50 Double unders


20 Deadlifts (185/125#)

50 Double unders


10 Deadlifts (225/155#)

50 Double unders

-17 minute cap-

Notes: The weight on the deadlifts should not be so heavy that form breaks at all through the piece. Pick a scale for the Handstand Push Ups that is difficult but allows full range of motion or perform push ups. Sub Du’s with singles (100-200).

Cool Down:

2 Minute Olympic Squat on Wall
Band Lat Stretch, 30 sec each
10 Scapular Pushups
15 Reverse Snow Angels


Joe D

This segment is for new members who are just getting their feet wet.  I am here to share inside tips about exercises, form, equipment, etc, as a guide to help you ease into group class.  Todays blog is going to be about weightlifting shoes, and if they are really worth buying.  

Many of you may have seen other members sport shoes that look a little different than your typical sneaker.  You may think that you have to be an elite athlete to use these shoes and they are not meant for someone who is just starting out that is still working with the bar for squats.  Think again!  These shoes can be a big help to you in developing a better lift and making fast gains.  First, lets start off with the benefits.

Olympic lifting shoes allow you to do a few things that regular shoes will not, such as:
Spreading the floor- Olympic lifting shoes possess straps, which allow you to push out against the side of the shoe with your foot, increasing hip activation. More hip activation will equate to a stronger pull or squat.
More stability- More stability means that you’ll have a very consistent platform from which to push. Not at all inconsistent, unlike that from compressible soled shoes.  Olympic shoes have a wooden sole (they have rubber on the bottom so you won’t slide), which means your foot is going to consistently be on a stable surface, unlike Chuck’s which have compressible soles. Inevitably people try to come up with the argument, “Well Vibrams don’t compress…” While this may be true, they don’t have a heel.  
Heel- The elevated heel is the game changer portion of the shoe.  Have you even noticed how much easier it is to squat with a raised heel?  You can get deeper, knees stay out, and your ankle flexibility is amazing.  That is what the elevated heel does for your squat.  People who have tight ankles and hips will see a huge improvement in their ability to squat while wearing Oly shoes. 
Besides allowing lifter to squat into a deeper position, the raised heel also allows the lifter’s chest to stay upright, even in the bottom of a deep squat with the bar held overhead or racked across the deltoids (Snatch and Clean & jerk).  A side note about the heel: This doesn’t permit you to slack on mobility of the ankle and hip structures, just because the shoe masks the issue. You should be able to squat with no artificial support. If you can’t, get to work.
Now, which shoe should you buy?  All weightlifting shoes serve the same purposes I’ve stated above, now it is just finding what pair is comfortable and works for you.  Everyone has different preferences, so you might swing and miss a couple time before you find the cinderella shoe.  Some brands of shoes that I personally like or have heard good things about are Reebok, Risto, Nike, Adidas, Do-Win, and VS athletics.  If you have a favorite shoe, please tell us what it is and why in the comments below.

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