EIE Workout and Potluck Tomorrow

Click HERE for the EIE Challenge Google Doc and fill in your 6 week goal, results of today’s workout and any notes you feel necessary.

Friday, January 17, 2014


Tricep mash
Wrist Mobility
Internal/External Rotation w/theraband

Warm Up:

2 Rounds:
400 meter Run
10 Strict Press
15 abmat sit ups
10 Bar Taps – DEMO

Notes:  There is no strength portion today as we will be spending time setting up and judging each others performances.  Depending upon class size, there may or may not be time left over for the full cool down.


CrossFit Games Open workout 13.4

7 Minute AMRAP:
3 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
3 Toes to Bar
6 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
6 Toes to Bar
9 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
9 Toes to Bar
 If you complete the round of 9, go on to 12. If you complete 12, go on to 15, etc. until the time cap hits.

Notes:  The following workout will be programmed for all group classes.  If possible, try to attend MDR from 5-730pm for our ‘Friday Night Lights’ competition environment!  All official participants must be judged for proper standards.  Please Note:  if you want to participate in the challenge, but cannot attend class this day, you can make up the workout at a later day.

Cool Down:

4 Rounds:
30 sec L-Sit Hold (parallettes or hang from bar)
30 sec Handstand Hold (wall or freestanding)

Notes:  Rest as needed between each and focus on quality!

Cobra Stretch
Overhead Band Distraction
Foam roll Lats and T-spine

This year’s Everything is Everything fitness/nutrition challenge starts today.  Make sure to set you goals high and shoot for the stars.  It doesn’t matter what you want to accomplish during this EIE, it only matters that you want to improve at something.  Challenge yourself to break the mold and get out of your comfort zone.  Enjoy the next 6 weeks for it just may change your life.  

On Saturday, January 18, head over to the Venice gym from 4-6 pm-ish and bring your favorite dish to share!  We don’t pre-assign what to bring, but with enough people we typically have a pretty good mix of appetizers, entrees, meats, veggies, salads, and more.  We’ll provide plenty of guacamole but will only have water and ice if you want to bring cocktails.  We will also have a couple games setup and will host a brief Q and A about the challenge and the CF Games Open at 5pm.  Afterwards a bunch of us will be heading out to the Bayshore Bowling alley in Santa Monica if you are interested in playing!

Good luck and Godspeed.

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