
Sunday, January 5, 2014


Monster walks
20 Scapula Push ups
Downdog calf stretch
10-15 Lat activations

Agility Shuttle/Plyometric

4 Rounds:
200 m shuttle run in 25 m increments
3 Broad Jumps for ME distance

Notes:  Alternate between the two movements.  The broad jump is for distance so reach out with your arms and legs as you leap forward, land flat footed and balanced and see how far you can jump with 3 jumps in a row.  Between rounds, you will be setting up your workout:)


100 DU’s
90 Walking Lunges
80 Sit Ups
70 KBS (53/35#)
60 Wall Balls (20/14#)
50 Row for Calories
40 Burpees
30 Box Jumps (24/20 inches)
20 T2B
10 KB Clean and Jerks (5 per side)
-45 min time cap-

Notes:  Scale DU’s to 300 singles or 100 jump overs. KB C & J are meant to be done 5 in each hand alternating how you see fit.

Cool down:

10 Wall extensions
Active bar hang, 30 seconds
Pigeon stretch

Mama T.

Happy Sunday!

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